Sad Tulips


I’m disappointed in the tulips this year. I need to do some reading from “tulips for dummies” to see if I can figure out the problem.

These blooms are looking pitiful. The backyard is even worse. Oddly, the backyard daffodils looked better than I can ever remember.


This is a photo of the same area from 2 years ago. I’m not sure it demonstrates the issue as well as I would like.

I am working on a new book that would be part of a series but it is slow going. I can carve out time but only a little bit and it’s hard to get much work done in tiny chunks.

For now, it’s going to be a mystery. Hopefully I can report more soon.

I’ve also started a couple of posts about some of my favorite romance, old school and current. Stay tuned.

Book is FREE!


The ebook is on a free promotion right now and who knows how long it will last? Probably a week. Grab it while supplies last.

This is my buttermilk loaf from Laurel’s Kitchen Bread Book. It’s one of my favorite recipes but I don’t make it very often because I’m chained to the kitchen on the day I make it and I always expect it will be more complicated than it is.

This time, during the second rise, I was called away. My mother-in-law’s basement flooded in the recent deluge. It actually flooded twice in deluges a couple of weeks apart. I ran over to help with a portion of the clean-up project and it took longer than I expected.

The rise looked blown out when I got home but the loaves turned out great. We ate a giant chunk with dinner and now it’s in the kitchen ready for toasting and Nutella.

Giveaway Winners


Giveaway winners will be shipped tomorrow! Be patient because ’tis the season and all that.

If you are a winner and you don’t receive a book by the end of the month, drop me a love note and we’ll try to get you fixed up.

A Real Book


Yay! The proof of the paper book finally arrived. Insert all those cliches about how cool it is to see your work as a real book that you can hold in your hands. I just ordered a boatload for my Goodreads giveaway which ends on November 29. I just realized I don’t have a Goodreads button on this page. I’ll try to take care of that.

How Season of Us Came to Be Written, Part 3


I gave the beta readers a month and they all responded early.

I expected the final re-write to take forever but I think it took me one weekend. I spent a little more time trying to fix a few spots I thought were still weak and then off to the editor.

Since then it’s been a lot of learning process for getting it published. I’m glad I’m finally getting close.

When I started this whole thing I had grand ideas for several different series and free novellas. I knew I couldn’t do four books a year, but maybe three.

Now I’m thinking one every nine months would be pretty good.

I can see where I could write more efficiently. But it also puts a lot of stress on my home life when I get wrapped up in a writing project for an extended period of time. Plus I like to do other things like hang out with my husband and putter in the yard. I exercise. I prefer to eat food I make myself.

I still haven’t decided whether to write additional stories connected to this one.

I am considering doing a series of Urban Indian romance because near as I can tell, there are none and I have tons of ideas. But this is going to take some preparation so no projected release date yet.

Plus, I’m going back to the Project of Forever 2 to see if I can finalize that.

How Season of Us Came to Be Written, Part 2

Dahlia from my garden.

What I didn’t mention in my previous post was how much I loved working on this project.

I go through cycles of insomnia and normally when I wake up in the middle of the night, I stare at the ceiling unhappily. During the project I would happily get up and start working. I was constantly coming up with ideas I wanted to work into the story.

At the end of May I finished a draft on The Project of Forever 2 and as a reward I decided to finish Season of Us. And to incentivize myself, I hired an editor and got myself on the calendar. Then I recruited my beta readers and gave them a hard date when I would give them a draft.

The 44K draft was a bit of a mess. For example, I knew Shelly was involved in some sort of business but I wasn’t sure what. And I knew she would have a sidekick but changed my mind between friend, sister, sister-in-law and mother-in-law. I took a long weekend to map it all out and make an outline so I knew what I needed to fill in. It took me two months to get it figured out and expand the manuscript to 75K.

This is amazing speed for me. I’m not a fast writer plus I have a fairly demanding day job. I’m also the person most responsible for keeping my household from falling apart. Three cheers for the outline.

Then it was ready for the beta readers.

How Season of Us Came to Be Written, Part 1

Southern Oregon

I wrote Season of Us at the challenge of a friend.

I had been (and still am) working on something I refer to as: The Project of Forever. I also had a separate shorter piece I was working on that became the Project of Forever #2. I was banging my head against the wall with both projects.

So when the challenge came, I was ready to try something new. I’ve always wanted to write contemporary romance. The first novel I ever attempted was romance. Actually, that’s not completely true. I tried to write a book when I was a kid. It was about a girl with horses. (Of course.)

November was coming. I had a vague idea. I knew Zach would be a professional soccer player and Shelly would be someone older and a little more stable. I had a couple of ideas for scenes and I mapped out a couple of key moments.

When November 1st came, I went for it.

The goal for NaNoWriMo is 50K words. My goal was 40K because I decided, “I’m not crazy.” I managed to do 44K and had a beginning, middle and end.

I considered this a success.

Then I put it away and went back to flogging on The Project of Forever.